children succession planning

Involving your children in the farm or family business succession planning process can be a sensitive but crucial step in ensuring the long-term success and stability of the family legacy. Succession planning, in simple terms, is deciding how ownership and management of your farm or business will transfer to the next generation. Bringing your children…

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legal documents

When it comes to transferring a farm to the next generation, proper planning and having the right legal documents in place can make all the difference. Farm succession planning involves many moving parts, and without the proper paperwork, the transition can become complicated and stressful. To ensure a smooth transfer, several key legal documents are…

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farm debt

When planning for the future of a farm, one of the most critical questions to address is, “How will the farm’s current debt impact the succession plan?” Debt management is a crucial aspect of any business, but it becomes even more significant when you are considering passing down the family farm to the next generation.…

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